My Husband Refused to Take Photos of Me on Our Vacation — His Reason Shocked Me, but My Revenge Left Him in Tears

Hi everyone, Hannah here. I’m a 38-year-old mom of two amazing kids and have been married to Luke for nearly a decade. Recently, something happened on our trip to Mexico that shocked me deeply.

We were in Mexico, surrounded by stunning beaches. I was excited because I rarely get a break as a mom. But right from the start, Luke was acting weird. He refused to take pictures of me, saying, “I’m not in the mood,” which hurt and confused me.

Throughout the trip, he was very protective of his phone. One day, while he was in the shower, I looked at his messages. What I read made my blood run cold. He had written, “Imagine, guys, at her weight, she still wants me to take pictures of her!” I felt devastated and betrayed.

I posted my best vacation photos on Facebook, saying, “Looking for a new vacation partner. Am I really so unattractive?” Supportive messages poured in. When Luke apologized, he suggested I use my inheritance to lose weight. Furious, I replied, “Maybe I will, but not for you.”

Realizing he valued my money more than me, I decided to divorce him. I focused on my kids and myself, feeling a sense of relief. Now, I am ready to move forward with strength and self-love. What do you think? Did I handle things correctly?


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