I Was Upset That My Grandfather Only Left Me an Old Apiary until I Looked into the Beehives — Story of the Day

My late Grandpa left me a dusty, old apiary, which I thought was a cruel joke. One morning, Aunt Daphne reminded me that Grandpa believed I’d be strong and independent, urging me to take care of the beehives. “Grandpa believed in you, Robyn,” she said, making me feel guilty as I hurried to catch the bus.

Ignoring her words, I focused on my crush, Scott, until Aunt Daphne grounded me for neglecting the apiary. “It’s about responsibility, Robyn. It’s what Grandpa wanted for you,” she insisted. Reluctantly, I approached the hive and discovered a faded map hidden inside.

The map led me to the woods, where I found a note from Grandpa in an old cabin, urging me to wait until the journey’s end to open a metal box. Lost and scared, I clung to Grandpa’s advice to stay calm. After a harrowing struggle, I finally opened the box, finding only a jar of honey and a photo of us. The real treasure was the lesson on hard work and perseverance.

Years later, at 28, I remember Grandpa’s wisdom whenever I see my kids enjoying honey. “Thanks, Grandpa! Thank you for everything you taught me!” I whisper, grateful for the bond we shared.


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