Girl Claims She Sees Late Mom at School Every Day, Dad Shocked Upon Discovering the Truth — Story of the Day

Michael, a single father, was raising his 8-year-old daughter Hannah alone after his wife, Simone, died in a car accident. Michael tried his best to fill both parental roles, moving to a new city to start fresh. Hannah seemed to adapt well, even excelling at school.

One day, Hannah told Michael she saw her mom at school every day. Michael was stunned. “But Mom still ignores me,” Hannah said sadly. Confused and worried, Michael decided to investigate.

The next morning, Michael accompanied Hannah to school. “There! Mom!” Hannah shouted, pointing to a cleaner who resembled Simone. However, when the woman turned around, it was clear she was a stranger. Hannah insisted she had seen her mom before.

To understand Hannah’s claims, Michael took her to a psychologist. “Hannah genuinely believes she sees her mother at school,” Dr. Stevens said, advising Michael to support and believe his daughter during her grieving process.

The next day, Michael found a woman at school who looked exactly like Simone. She introduced herself as Evelyn and had no memory of her past. “I don’t remember any of that,” she said softly. Michael, realizing she was his wife, invited her home.

Simone began adjusting to life with Michael and Hannah. One day, she said, “I think I remembered something.” Slowly, memories resurfaced, and they started rebuilding their lives together.

“Do you think we could enroll her in an art school?” Simone asked, supporting Hannah’s dream. Michael agreed, feeling hope and happiness returning to their family.


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