Single Dad Helps Older Woman Mow Her Lawn, Soon Gets a Call from Her Lawyer — Story of the Day

Felix sees his elderly neighbor, Mrs. White, struggling with her overgrown lawn and rushes to help. She gives him an unusual, antique box as a token of appreciation. Felix, a single dad in his mid-30s, finds solace in his job as a janitor and in raising his daughter, Alice. One day, after helping Mrs. White, she offers him an ornate box, which he initially refuses but later finds in a bag of apples she gave him.

The box piques Felix and Alice’s curiosity, but Felix insists on returning it. When he visits Mrs. White’s house, he finds her lifeless on the couch. Later, Mrs. White’s lawyer contacts Felix, leading to an urgent meeting where her son, Henry, accuses Felix of theft. Henry offers a deal for the box’s return, but Felix decides to auction it. This decision brings legal troubles, and Felix eventually gets arrested. However, Alice discovers documents proving the box was meant for Felix, securing his release and a fresh start for them both.


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